If you are currently giving to Bethlehem Lutheran Church by cash, check or a pre-arranged electronic deduction for our Operating Budget or Mortgage Reduction you can now choose to set up electronic payment arrangements yourself online or through a mobile app using our e-Giving Program. Your automatic and one-time payments can be made from your checking, savings or by credit card. 

 Advantages of using our convenient e-Giving program include: 

·        When travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, you will still be able to contribute.

·        You will be able to make changes to your giving privately without having to contact our financial secretary.  

·        You will receive an e-mail confirmation of each donation and have the ability to look up your giving history at any time. 

·        e-Giving eliminates the need for our church tellers to process and input payments made by check or cash, saving them time and eliminating input errors.

Online Instructions 

  1. Visit church website at

  2. Select “Sign Up” if you have not already setup an account. Otherwise “Log In”

  3. Input required information and create a password, then select “Create Account”

  4. Select which fund you want to give towards (i.e., General Operating or Mortgage Reduction), enter the amount and choose whether this will be a one-time gift or if you want to give regularly. Select “Add to Basket”.

  5. Review your selections, then select “Continue to payment”; choose either to pay as a deduction from your bank account or from your credit card.

  6. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete your donation request.

NOTE: If you choose to create an account you can later access payment history and eliminate the need to re-enter payment information when making new payments.  Select the Sign In/Sign Up link at the top

Changing Existing Automatic Payments

  1. Sign in to your account

  2. Click onto “Profile” to bring up the Transaction page

  3. Select the transaction you want to change and click on Cancel

  4. Click onto “Profile” again

  5. Click onto “Payment Method” on left side

  6. Remove the Payment Method

  7. Add your new payment information by starting over beginning at step 4 under the "Online Instructions" section above

Mobile Instructions 

Download the Vanco Mobile app through the App Store or Google Play. You will see links for both on our website 

Once the App is downloaded to your smartphone follow these steps:  

  1.  Enter Bethlehem Lutheran Church and click select.  BLC will now be displayed as your default church.  Tap Donate Now 

  2. Follow the on-screen prompts similar to those for “Online Instructions” on first page to setup an account and to make donations.


We are happy to allow you to give online to both our general operating budget and mortgage reduction.  As good stewards we want you to be aware that we do pay a percentage of your gift for the convenience, to our processing vendor.  When you log in and begin processing your payment you will be given the option to choose to increase your donation (by 3% when paying by your credit or debit card or .5% when paying from your checking or savings account) to help offset the Church processing costs.  You do not need to choose this option to process your payment. Thank you for your faithful stewardship in support of Bethlehem Lutheran Church.